:::image type='content' source='media/publishing-with-visual-studio/pick-publish-target.png' alt-text='Pick a publish target in Visual Studio'::: On the Target tab of the Publish page, select Folder, and then select Next. :::image type='content' source='media/publishing-with-visual-studio/publish-context-menu.png' alt-text='Visual Studio Publish context menu'::: Right-click on the HelloWorld project (not the HelloWorld solution) and select Publish from the menu. :::image type='content' source='media/publishing-with-visual-studio/visual-studio-toolbar-release.png' alt-text='Visual Studio toolbar with release build selected'::: If necessary, change the build configuration setting on the toolbar from Debug to Release. Make sure that Visual Studio is using the Release build configuration. NET console application using Visual Studio. Open the HelloWorld project that you created in Create a.
This tutorial works with the console app that you create in Create a.To deploy the files, copy them to the target machine. Publishing creates the set of files that are needed to run your application. This tutorial shows how to publish a console app so that other users can run it. NET console application using Visual Studio